Saturday, July 28, 2012

7 Secrets of free people

1) Don’t be obsessed what others think about you. - The Secret of Freedom. 

2) Any of your dreams will come true. - The Secret of Creating your Reality. 

3) Love and accept your body. - The Secret of Beauty. 
4) Do not condemn or criticize yourself and others. - The Secret of Friendship. 

5) Give love and do not try to change the loved ones. – The Secret of Love. 

6) Learn first how to give, then how to get. - The Secret of Wealth. 

7) Think less, love more and rejoice. - The Secret of Happiness.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Things you do

Consciousness goes through five stages in every job it does:

1. It defines objectives and principles.
2. It pictures the final result.
3. It does a brainstorm.
4. It organizes.
5. It defines what will follow.

The most experienced Planner in the world is your brain.
You can do a lot and everything depends only on you, your potential and your desire to achieve your goals.
Be persistent, committed and believe that you will succeed and I believe in it too:)